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Play in browser
Construct 2 plugin in app purchase
Google Mobile Ads SDK = 20.4.0 ( ANDROID ) AND Google Mobile Ads SDK = 8.13( IOS )
Construct 3 Plugin App Rate
Construct 3 Plugin Google Translate PRO
[ Support C3 Build Service ] Firebase Performance Construct 3 plugin
Play Youtube Videos in a native Video Player on Android & iOS.
Use in cases where you'd otherwise use InAppBrowser
Cordova Plugin that implements MLKit Translation and Language Identification features.
SUPPORT C3 Build Service [ Completely free ]
SUPPORT C3 Build Service [ Completely free ]
Construct 3 Plugin Firebase sign in with phone number [ Support C3 Build Service ]
Construct 3 plugin StartApp Ads [ Support BANNER, Interstitial, Rewarded Video ]
Pollfish Cordova Plugin allows integration of Pollfish surveys into Android and iOS apps
Construct 3 Plugin Firebase Crashlytics [ Support BUILD C3 ]
A cordova plugin for bluetooth printer for android platform.
Construct 3 Plugin Firebase Analytics + In-App Messaging [ Support C3 Build ]
this plugin is used for showing facebook audience network ads.