A downloadable tool

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C3 Build Service = NO

Phonegap Build = YES

Cordova CLI Build = Yes

Use Worker = Yes



<plugin name="cordova-plugin-safariviewcontroller" />


Use in cases where you'd otherwise use InAppBrowser
Use the new and powerful iOS9 viewcontroller to show webcontent in your PhoneGap app
Requires XCode 7 / iOS9 SDK to build
Requires iOS9 to use, lower versions need to fall back to InAppBrowser (example below!)
Chrome custom tabs are Android's parallel to SafariViewController with even more customizable UI. You can give it a try with the latest version of this plugin. See the wiki for details.
Note that I didn't decide to clobber window.open to override InAppBrowser when applicable because that would mean you could never use InAppBrowser in case you need its advanced features in one place and are happy with a simple readonly view in other cases.


InAppBrowser uses the slow UIWebView (even when you're using a WKWebView plugin!), this plugin uses the ultra fast Safari Webview.
This is now Apple's recommended way to use a browser in your app.
A nicer / cleaner UI which is consistent with Safari and all other apps using a SFSafariViewController.
Whereas cordova-plugin-inappbrowser is affected by ATS, this plugin is not. This means you can even load http URL's without whitelisting them.
Since iOS 9.2 or 9.3 you can swipe to go back to your app. Unfortunately, in favor of this Apple dropped the option to provide a custom transition (curl/flip/..) when presenting Safari.

Supported platforms

  • IOS
  • Android


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Safari View Controller.c3p 49 kB
safariviewcontroller_1_0_0_3.c3addon 24 kB

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